New Screenshots and Information Galore for Zero Time Dilemma

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We’ve recently learned a ton of new information regarding the third entry of the Zero Escape series, Zero Time Dilemma.

The new information we’ve received is in relation to the main cast, the games setting, and the protagonists the player will have control of.

From Hokanko:


  • The plot is set one year after the events of 999: 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors on December 31, 2028.
  • On that day in the Nevada desert, at the Dcom experimentation facilty, community life began and after nine days, something happened.


The game will take place in an underground nuclear shelter, where nine men and women will have to find a way to escape it. They separate into three teams of three, where they go and explore the various locations of the shelter. They will need six passwords in order to escape, but in order for them to get each password, a person needs to die. Six people will need to die in order for escape to be possible.


The characters will be separated into three teams, with each team leader serving as the protagonist. None of the protagonists are aware of any of the past events and will learn of them as the story progresses.

The teams are as follows:

Team C

  • Carlos is the leader of Team C. He is described as being hot blooded, with a strong sense of devotion towards his younger sister, who as an incurable disease
  • Junpei became a detective in order to pursue Akane after the events of the first game.
  • Akane appears to be nice women, but she specializes in deceit.

Team D

  • Diana is the leader of Team D. She is described as a pacifist who doesn’t like fighting. Her profession is that of a nurse.
  • Sigma is a 22 year old that has had a complex and bizarre life. Phi occasionally calls him an old man.
  • Phi is a blunt woman who decided to participate in the Dcom experiment in order to save the world.

Team Q

  • Q is the leader of Team Q. He is a young boy who’s lost his memory and wears a strange spherical helmet.
  • Eric is a young man who works at an ice cream shop and who is currently dating Mira.
  • Mira is described as “sexily shaped woman” who is dating Eric.

Other characters

  • Zero is a mysterious character who dons a black mask. He is the orchestrator of the death game, but his motives are unknown.
  • Gab is an old dog who travels in vents that the main cast can’t go through  in order to get to different areas.

Additionally, some new HD screenshots have appeared, giving us a better look at what the game will look like in-engine.

Zero Time Dilemma is slated to release on the 3DS and PS Vita sometime this summer in North America and Europe.

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Writer at Niche Gamer. Passionate for video game journalism, and more than glad to be a part of it. I also write DOTA 2 stuff.

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