Final Fantasy VII Remake Will Have Great Visuals, But No New Characters

final fantasy vii 06-23-15-1

This week’s Famitsu (via Hachima Kikou) has revealed some new tidbits for the recently announced Final Fantasy VII Remake on Playstation 4.

The new interview was conducted with Final Fantasy VII Remake director, Tetsuya Nomura, who confirmed that the teaser trailer (which you can view here) will be integrated into the game, somehow. However, the quality will be improved upon.

He also talked up why they chose the Playstation 4 as the game’s development platform. “You’ll definitely be able to play it on the Playstation 4 first. However, we’re not thinking past that, yet. We’re developing consecutive Playstation 4 titles, so we’re trying to give the hardware more support.”

Final Fantasy VII is a special game, so we can’t surpass the game by just making it look nicer. That’s not something to get worked up over,” said Nomura when talking about the game being just an HD remake. “This is a full remake, and I want to challenge what made the original fun, and what is possible now.”

The biggest question some fans had was if new characters or scenes would be added into the game. “There will not be any new characters. As for visuals, we’re going to work towards being on par with today’s graphics, and look closer to reality.”

Finally, Nomura talked up the game’s systems, and battle mechanics. “I can’t talk about it now, but we’re changing things to be more realistic.”



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