The Mostly Completed Episode 2 of Life is Strange Somehow Found Its Way Online

life is strange 2015-02-08 2

This is sad or happy news, depending on how you feel about unauthorized sharing—the PC version of the second episode of Life is Strange, subtitled “Out of Time”, has already been uploaded online by unknown person(s), weeks prior to its official release.

When asked about it on the game’s discussion forums on Steam, one of Dontnod’s developers, “scottb”, wrote, “We’ve seen the leak of later episodes of Life is Strange and it deeply saddens us that something we’ve invested so much time and passion into is available unfinished and not as we intended you to experience it. Please support us by ignoring the temptation to download work in progress (sic) code, we promise you there are still plenty of things we’re improving and polishing and episode 2 will be ready for release in mid-march”.

It’s noteworthy that the developer didn’t bemoan piracy, but simply wished for people not to play the unpolished game.

The first episode, “Chrysalis”, was released worldwide on January 29. The second episode of Life is Strange is due in March, for Windows PCs, the Xbox One, Xbox 360, Playstation 4, and Playstation 3. There are rumors that later episodes will also be available for Linux and Mac PCs, but Niche Gamer has been unable to confirm this.

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With over ten years' experience as an editor, Dimi is Niche Gamer's Managing Editor. He has indefinitely put a legal career on hold in favor of a life of video games: priorities.

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