Hironobu Sakaguchi Wanted a Chrono Trigger Sequel – Square Denied It

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File this one under “RIGHT IN THE CHILDHOOD”, but it seems like Final Fantasy creator and Chrono Trigger designer Hironobu Sakaguchi had plans for the iconic time-traveling game to evolve into a series. The information was revealed by Sakaguchi-san during a panel in this year’s PAX expo.

“We wanted to continue it as a series,” Sakaguchi said. “… But — and I think the statue of limitations has passed and expired so I think I’m okay saying this — but we just didn’t see eye-to-eye with management, and so I went and fought for it, and I officially lost the battle.”

When asked about returning to other past games like The Last Story, Blue Dragon, or Lost Odyssey, Sakaguchi-san confirmed he has no official plans to continue those games. However, he did tease that it would be really fun to return to older games and continue off where they had left off”

“Just between some of us that worked on it, we would hope or we talk about it once in awhile that we’d like to.”

He reiterated his point that all of these various games are standalone experiences, and as such have not been developed into a long-running series like Final Fantasy:

“All those IPs, there isn’t a continuation or a series. Nothing’s confirmed. But again, it would be nice to be able to work on a continuation of my old creations.”

So would you guys have liked to see a true Chrono Trigger sequel, helmed by the famed creator/designer Hironobu Sakaguchi?

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