Super Time Force Brings Robots, Lasers, Dinosaurs and Time Travelling to XBLA

Super Time Force SS 1

So yeah, Capybara Games have made some downright silly and fun games like Critter Crunch – here comes their new project called Super Time Force. What does the game include? Well, for one: robots, lasers, dinosaurs, time travelling, awesome hair-dos, to name a few. The game is so close to being an homage to 80s flicks, it’s hitting me right in the childhood.

The game features the “Time Out” ability, which lets you stop time and rewind things you’ve done, which also gives you the ability to switch characters at any time, use lightsabers as boomerangs, and so on. The game is certainly scratching that itch that games and culture of the 80s-90s did, so if you’re a kid from that era, check this game out:


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