Let It Die Spinoff Let It Date Announced

GungHo Online Entertainment America and Grasshopper Manufacture have announced LET IT DATE, a dating simulator spin-off to their successful action game LET IT DIE.

While the game is clearly, probably, an April Fool’s Day joke (a full reveal is set for April Fool’s Day), it’s certainly interesting. We’re totally down to date Uncle Death in this totally real game.

Here’s some more screenshots:

Here’s more on the game:

LET IT DATE players can enjoy the underworld of LET IT DIE in a new sensual and casual way where they get to know their favorite characters on a deeper, romantic level – like Uncle Death. LET IT DATE invites a new audience to experience the witty and charming dialogue in the Tower of Barbs, who may not be a fan of the hardcore action genre.

Let It Die is currently available for PlayStation 4, as a free-to-play game. In case you missed it, you can find our review for Let It Die here (we highly recommend it, it was the reviewer’s 2016 GOTY!). We’ll keep you guys posted.


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