Final Fantasy XIV is Selling Well Enough that Even Square Enix is Surprised

final fantasy xiv a realm reborn 05-09-14-1

Square Enix had a pretty rough 2013 when it came to their overall revenue forecasts, a noticeable floundering in sales that seemed to turn around in the first three quarters of their 2014 fiscal year.

The reason for their mostly surging profits? Although it’s not the sole reason, but an exceedingly successful reboot of Final Fantasy XIV in the form of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn was generally considered the prime candidate in their results forecast.

Their earnings have increased so much that they’ve actually increased their forecasted revenues to 155 billion yen (roughly $1.5 billion USD), an increase of around 8% percent of their original forecast. Their profits were also increased to 6.6 billion yen (roughly $64.9 million USD), which was an increase of roughly 50% percent from their previous forecasts.

So have you guys bought/played Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn? If so, what’s your platform of choice?



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