Venus Vacation PRISM: Dead or Alive Xtreme shows off managing ladies interaction

Venus Vacation PRISM: Dead or Alive Xtreme

Publisher Koei Tecmo and developer Team Ninja have shared a new trailer for Venus Vacation PRISM: Dead or Alive Xtreme showing off interactions with the ladies.

Here’s the new trailer:

Venus Vacation PRISM: Dead or Alive Xtreme is set to launch on March 6th, 2025 for Windows PC (via Steam and DMM Games), PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5. The game will support Japanese and English languages. It’s worth noting a multi-language physical release for PS4 and PS5 is available to pre-order via our friends at Play-Asia.

This is Niche Imports. In this column, we regularly cover games that haven’t been announced for western audiences yet.

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