Nintendo teases new Mario Kart for Switch 2

Mario Kart

In their latest announcement for the Nintendo Switch 2, some fans noticed that the Mario Kart game showcased looked just a teensy bit off.

While there hasn’t been an official game announcement at the time of writing, the internet is already abuzz with speculation of Mario Kart 9 (or at the very least a remastered Mario Kart 8).

You can check out the gameplay below (starting at approximately 1:40).

The clip features what appears to be a new track, racing down a desert highway with a western style “Yoshi’s Diner” sitting on the side of the road.

We’re about due for a new Mario Kart game. In case anyone wasn’t feeling old today, Mario Kart 8 originally released in 2014 on the Wii U. It’s literally a 10 year old game.

Details are short for the potential new game, but we’re expecting a Nintendo Switch 2 focused Nintendo Direct on April 2 (smart move avoiding April Fool’s Day). So hopefully we’ll get some more info about Switch 2 launch titles then.

It’s a little frustrating, but when it comes to Switch 2 news I think we’re all used to getting the run around, we can wait a little bit longer.



A basement-dwelling ogre, Brandon's a fan of indie games and slice of life anime. Has too many games and not enough time.

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