My Friendly Neighborhood is brimming with Out Of Bounds secrets

My Friendly Neighborhood

My Friendly Neighborhood is one of the most interesting games to have come out of the horror scene in recent years.

With a gameplay similar to Resident Evil and an aesthetic in line with the increasingly popular “child-friendly” mascot horror world, My Friendly Neighborhood managed to impress both critics and general audiences when it graced Steam last summer. The story was one of the most liked elements of the game.

SPOILER WARNING, but unlike many games in the mascot horror genre, the puppets are NOT the ghosts of children, employees, or anyone for that matter. Refreshingly, they are alive as their own race, which makes the world of My Friendly Neighborhood similar to the world in Who Killed Roger Rabbit?.

There is also a story that offers a positive message by the end of the game. Unlike the cruel, child-corrupting-and-devouring world of Poppy Playtime, that other, far inferior mascot title, the world of My Friendly Neighborhood ultimately offers hope and redemption, and human carnage at the hand of the puppets is non-existent.

I won’t spoil the ending; you’ll have to either play it yourself or do your own research but suffice it to say that My Friendly Neighborhood is a much more appropriate title for children than Poppy Playtime or half of these other Five Nights at Freddy’s rip-offs.

Another interesting thing about My Friendly Neighborhood is the existence of an expansive Out of Bounds area that many players won’t discover on their first playthrough. It exists between the maps and behind the walls and under and above them, hidden little secrets in the dark.

Full disclosure: I backed the developer on Patreon more than a year ago, and this is how I know about some of these secrets. Some of the secret Easter eggs were inserted as rewards to different backers, for example, someone might have inserted their cat into the game.

Some of the easter eggs are creepy, like giant versions of the puppets looming over the map, while others are cute, like pictures of real cats. YouTuber SuperHorrorBro documented many of the Out of Bounds little easter eggs he’s discovered, but it appears he never found one of the most important secrets.

Found Out of Bounds in the Stage 4 makeup room there is a giant portrait of a unknown muscle mommy woman with an active rat animatronic pointing towards its left. The rat bears a striking resemblance to the rat in Five Nights at Candy’s. The woman herself is wearing a white tank top and has pigtail braids.

That’s right, the rat at her feet (pictured above) is itself a reference to another game, a Five Nights at Freddy’s fangame known as Five Nights At Candies. And the woman? Well, this muscle mommy definitely has Wednesday Addams vibes to her, if Wednesday Addams was buff and wore a white tank top.

It should be noted that none of the other secrets in Out of Bounds feature a brand-new character. There are variations of the puppets we’ve seen, but this is a human. It’s a shame most players miss this Easter Egg.

Many players will miss it on their first playthrough and will turn to SuperHorrorBro’s video to see what they missed, but unfortunately, SuperHorrorBro himself missed this once, which makes the Unknown Woman My Friendly Neighborhood‘s biggest secret.

Personally, I would love if John and Evan Szymanski (the developers of the game) would make a video game all about this character.

She could be the antagonist (maybe a reverse-horror game?) or a protagonist like Nicolas Cage from Willy’s Wonderland. Clearly, this buff Wednesday Addams-inspired character is a no-nonsense animatronic crusher, and we don’t have many of those in the mascot horror scene.

Now that’s a game that could likely go even more viral than My Friendly Neighborhood. Would it be better? Well, let’s not be greedy. My Friendly Neighborhood is an excellent game, so I would settle for something that’s at least on the same level.

Could John and Evan be planning such a game, and this Easter Egg is an omen of what’s to come? We’ll see! In the meantime, check out My Friendly Neighborhood if you haven’t already. Chances are you’ll be pleasantly surprised like I was.

My Friendly Neighborhood is available now on PC (via Steam).


Pro-Goblin thinks goblin girls are hecking cute. Scrubb, scrubb, scrubb.

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