Cotton Reboot! High Tension! reveals first trailer and details

Cotton Reboot! High Tension!

SUCCESS Corporation has fully unveiled Cotton Reboot! High Tension!their new sequel to the 2021-released updated/remastered game Cotton Reboot!.

Here’s a rundown on the game, plus the reveal trailer and screenshots:

Cotton Reboot! High Tension!

Cotton Reboot! High Tension! is a sequel to the side-scrolling shooting game Cotton Reboot! which was released in 2021, and was developed from scratch with great care!

Willow, an important item in the Cotton series, is now an incarnation of evil! This time, she appears as an evil incarnation, plunging the fairy kingdom into chaos.

Macaroon” also makes her first appearance as a new companion in Cotton and Silk’s mischievous adventures. The game’s exhilarating experience is further enhanced by greatly improved graphics and powerful new magic!

Moreover, when the number of items acquired exceeds a certain level, the player enters the “Overtension” mode. An unprecedented, high-tension development awaits you.

In addition to the well-known “Fire Dragon” and “Lightning” attack magic, a new attack system “Enemy Capture” has been implemented.

Enemy capture” is a new attack system that allows you to use enemy characters to help you conquer the game. In addition, “Fever,” which was popular in the previous title, is now called “Willow Fever” for a more exhilarating power-up!

In addition, when the gauge reaches 100%, “Overtension” can be activated, doubling the score. Enemies’ attacks become more intense, but you can use powerful underhanded magic and your score will increase significantly! Chance for a high score!

Cotton Reboot! High Tension! is set to launch on July 24th in Japan across Switch, PS4, and PS5 with a price set at 6,380 yen, and a limited edition priced at 10,780 yen.

This is Niche Imports. In this column, we regularly cover games that haven’t been announced for western audiences yet.



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