Hideki Kamiya Responds to Demands for Astral Chain on PS4: “Why Don’t You Ask Nintendo?”

Platinum Games director Hideki Kamiya has responded to those asking for Astral Chain to be on the PlayStation 4.

It seems some are note entirely happy with Astral Chain, with unconfirmed reports of review-bombing the game on Metacritic due to it being exclusively on Nintendo Switch. Our own research showed numerous other reasons cited however.

A user did attempt to contact Kamiya on Twitter, asking “Why don’t you bring Astral Chain to PS4? Do you hate PS [PlayStation]?” Kamiya’s reply soundly answered that the matter was entirely in Nintendo’s hands, with his typical snark and disdain that some have grown to love him for:

“Well… Why not Mario, Zelda, and Metroid… ‘Do you hate PS?’ I don’t know, I’m just a developer. Why don’t you ask my publisher and investor Nintendo?”

That being said, despite then-creative producer JP Kellams stating “Bayonetta 2 would not exist without Nintendo white knighting that project,” the developer has expressed an interest in porting their past titles to PC.

In recent news, Platinum Games achieved their first ever UK No.1 with Astral Chain.

Astral Chain is out now on Nintendo Switch. In case you missed it, you can read our review here (we highly recommend it!)

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Ryan was a former Niche Gamer contributor.

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