Crowdfunding Recap – Chernobylite, Grand Guilds, and More

It’s been over a month since my last Crowdfunding Recap, so its time to highlight some ongoing campaigns for promising games currently on Kickstarter. Luckily, I managed to find a few that might be worth your attention.

Here’s 5 Kickstarter campaigns you might want to check out:

Grand Guilds
Developer: Drix Studios
Platforms: Windows PC, Switch, PS4, Xbox One
Funding Goal: $12,000 (200% funded)
End Date: May 10th
Release Date: Late 2019 (PC and Switch)

Grand Guilds is a game I covered previously that sadly fell short of its funding goal. Undeterred, the developers are trying again, and luckily they’ve already surpassed their initial goal this time around. Grand Guilds is a tactical RPG with some deckbuilding elements that tells the story of Eliza and her fellow guildmates as they try to prevent the realm of Irin from falling into chaos. Combat takes place on grid-based battlefields, and each character has a customizable deck of cards that represent their various special attacks. Characters also have some passives and basic abilities that aren’t tied to their deck, ensuring that you’ll always have moves available to you regardless of the cards in your hand.

Grand Guilds is in its final week of funding, and is currently trying to unlock stretch goals. The game is targeting a late 2019 release on Windows PC and Switch, with PS4 and Xbox One ports planned at a later date. You can get a digital copy of the game for $20.

Developer: The Farm 51
Platforms: Windows PC, “consoles”
Funding Goal: $100,000 (169% funded)
End Date: May 11th
Release Date: Late 2019 (Steam Early Access)

Chernobylite is an open-world survival horror game set in an accurately 3D-scanned recreation of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. You play as a physicist that used to work at the Chernobyl plant that has returned to the Zone to finally figure out what happened to his fiancé. Scavenge for resources and craft what you need to survive in a hostile environment full of radiation, strange creatures, military personnel, and rival stalkers.

Chernobylite is also in its final week of funding, and is currently working on hitting stretch goals. The developers are aiming to launch the game on Steam Early Access late this year, with console ports being a possibility next year. The minimum pledge required to get a digital copy of the game is $30.

Kingdom of Night
Developer: Black Seven Studios
Platforms: Windows PC, Mac, Switch, PS4, Xbox One
Funding Goal: $10,000 (276% funded)
End Date: May 18th
Release Date: Q3 2020

Kingdom of Night is an ’80s-inspired isometric action-RPG set in small town America. A clueless cult of edgy teenagers have accidently unleashed Baphomet on an unsuspecting Arizona town, and now legions of evil creatures are invading the mortal realm. Grab your trusty baseball bat and fight to save the town. Kingdom of Night features nine playable character classes split between melee, ranged, and magic users.

Kingdom of Night has around two weeks left, and is well-past its initial funding goal. You can grab a copy for as little as $25, but the campaign features some interesting physical rewards, including a notebook written by the main character detailing the legions of Hell that also doubles as a monster manual for D&D 5e.

Developer: Twinspell Studio
Platforms: Windows PC
Funding Goal: $37,102 (30% funded)
End Date: May 17th
Release Date: TBA 2021

Descend is a 3D puzzle platformer with RPG elements. You play as Faye, a young girl that is the rightful heir to a clan of nomads. Her parents disappeared nine years ago while on an expedition to some ancient ruins, and to claim her title as the leader of the clan she’ll need to complete the Ruin Gylder’s Rite. Explore the ruins, solve puzzles, and befriend the mysterious Orison, ancient stone guardians that can help you on your quest.

Descend is entering its final week of funding, and is only 30% of the way to its goal. The game isn’t due to release until 2021, and the developers plan to port the game to consoles at some point as well. Pledges start at $15.

MidKnight Story
Developer: Mattia Ciurlino
Platforms: Windows PC, PS4 (stretch goal)
Funding Goal: $50,371 (39% funded)
End Date: May 24th
Release Date: Late 2021

Finally, we come to MidKnight Story, an open world RPG being developed by a single man. The game is set in a steampunk fantasy world following a catastrophe called The Scourge. The last human survivors stay confined to the handful of cities that still stand, and the outside world is full of robotic beings called Remnants. You play as Paran, a scavenger that finds himself thrust into a new adventure when the Remnants suddenly become more restless after he discovers a bizarre mechanical sword called Durindana.

MidKnight Story still has over two weeks left to hit its $50k funding goal, with one of the first stretch goals being a PS4 port. You can get a copy of the game for $22.

Which of these campaigns are you interested in? Will you be pledging to any of them?


Frank was a former Niche Gamer contributor.

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