Double Fine’s Headlander is a Mashup of Campy 1970s Sci-Fi and Super Metroid

Double Fine has revealed their latest game at this year’s PAX Prime – Headlander, a tongue-in-cheek sci-fi game coming to PC and home consoles.

The game is being produced with Adult Swim Games publishing the release. If the above reveal trailer is any indication, it’s a veritable mix of Super Metroid-like 2D platforming and exploration, only with some campy 1970’s humor.

In Headlander, you play as a male or female head that is somehow detached from his or her body. The mechanic of attaching yourself, a disembodied head, is integral to the entire game, its platforming, and its puzzles.

Headlander is coming to PC and consoles sometime next year.

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