Pillars of Eternity Update Includes Obsidian Documentary

In their effort to get folks hyped for Pillars of Eternity‘s impending March 26th release, Obsidian posted a new update that included the first part of a documentary detailing the recent difficulties (And thanks to Kickstarter, triumphs) of their company.

As was the case with Wasteland 2 and Divinity Original Sin’s Kickstarter rewards, Obsidian wants to remind people that they need to confirm the shipping information for their physical goods, lest they be left in storage. Images of boxes stacked high in Larian’s offices last year come to mind.

    Step one, and this is very important, make sure you have gone through and confirmed your pledge if you haven’t already. Almost all of you have already done this, but there are a few folks that still haven’t confirmed their pledge. If you don’t confirm your pledge (including adding a shipping address for physical goods) we may not be able to fulfill your rewards in a timely manner.
    If you need more information about how to confirm your pledge check out Update 69. It goes into full detail about pledge management in the Backer Portal section.
    If you have a survey that you never completed, please do so. If you have in-game rewards (like an NPC, an item, or even backer credits) we most likely will be unable to fulfill those rewards because the game is close to releasing, but we will do our best to get those rewards into patches or the expansion pack.
    So, let’s say that you have completed your pledge confirmation. What do you do? Well, not much right now. On the week of release we will give you another backer update that goes into detail on how to use our reward redemption system on the Backer Portal. This will show you how to download all of your rewards. If you would like a preview of the system, it is explained in detail in Update 83. Just check out the Wasteland 2 section and it will describe how key redemption works.

There are also a few screenshots posted (Most of which I’m fairly sure we’ve seen already) and a shout-out to the recently launched Seven Dragon Saga Kickstarter.

The second part of the documentary will presumably be published during their next update.

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Carl is both a JRPG fan and a CRPG'er who especially loves European PC games. Even with more than three decades of gaming under his belt, he feels the best of the hobby is yet to come.

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