Microsoft Reveals Holographic VR Headset, Hololens, Shows off Minecraft VR

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Microsoft has revealed their own virtual reality headset during their Windows 10 keynote today.

Dubbed the Microsoft Hololens, their augmented reality holographic headset allows the developer to display holograms of things in the real world around us.

They displayed this by running a Minecraft demo:

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According to Microsoft’s own Alex Kipman, the Hololens is coming with a special holographic-focused chipset that works both wirelessly and independently from outside hardware.

Coming from this, the new headset will be able to render high quality holograms in real time, and it’s definitely looking impressive, if the videos shown during their livestream are any indication.

Microsoft Hololens is going to be made available during the Windows 10 cycle, although no specific release date was confirmed.

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