That Final Fantasy VII Motorcycle Game Could Lead to a Final Fantasy VII Remake

Buried in the slew of E3 2014 news was the pretty amazing reveal that Square Enix was making an HD, smartphone game based off the motorcycle game within Final Fantasy VII’s Gold Saucer casino.

Now that we’ve had some time to gather our bearings, we’ve learned (via Kotaku) that Square Enix is actually gauging fan response to Final Fantasy VII G-Bike. Let Final Fantasy VII director Yoshinori Kitase explain:

“Well, FFVII has many spin-off pieces and for the fans, its image has spread rather diversely, so I feel that G-Bike will set the standard of if we were to make new a VII related piece now,” he said. “If more is to come, this is the starting point, so both myself and Nomura are closely observing its quality.”

Why are they gauging fan response, you ask? This is because the developer behind G-Bike, Cyber Connect 2, are essentially creating the technical foundation for what could be used for an HD remake. When talking about G-Bike, this question naturally came up, and when asked about a remake, Kitase elaborated:

“Who knows? Mr. Matsuyama [of Cyber Connect 2] is making the foundation, and after the path has been paved, we might think about making it… At least that’s what could happen. In terms of the quality level and consumer response, it may all depend on [G-Bike]. We’re looking forward to the results.”

Now there’s still a long way to go before a remake could happen, but we have heard rumblings and rumors that such a project is still possible – maybe that it’s even already in development in some shape or form. Regardless of whether it’s happening, when G-Bike comes out on mobile devices make sure you download it on every goddamn phone or tablet that you own – and then tell all of your friends to do so too.

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