Sony Japan Launches an App to Better Connect Vita Players .. on Smartphones

Sony Japan has released a new app that is aimed at helping Playstation Vita players find each other better, so that they can join up and game together more quickly. The app, titled Kyoutou Guild, is a free download for .. smartphones? While the release is only on smart phones for now, they do have more platforms planned in the future.

The app is already available on the Google Play store, while an iOS version should be available within the next couple days. A native version of the app is coming to Playstation devices, however, but that one won’t be launching until later this Spring. Whenever it does, it will be available on both the Vita, and the Vita TV.

Featured above in the promo video provided by Sony, you can see how it works in aiding players to request help from other players in various online games, like Soul Sacrifice Delta. If you’re stuck on a particular boss or stage, you can simply put out a plea of help, and you might get other players to join you, especially if they’re stuck on the same task.

Think of this whole suite as if it was the Ad Hoc Party app that Sony developed exclusively for the rabidly popular Monster Hunter franchise on the Playstation Portable. You can create a chatroom where players can join you and talk via text messages, or voice stamps. After you’ve finished a mission, you can have your accomplishments posted to social networks like Facebook or Twitter.

For now, the app will only support Soul Sacrifice Delta, but naturally there are plans for future titles like GungHo Online’s Ragnarok Odyssey Ace, or Tecmo Koei’s Toukiden. Here’s hoping Sony brings this sweet looking app over to the West, but who knows.



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