Playstation “When Worlds Collide” Seems to Be New Ratchet & Clank Game

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As spotted by Neogaf user Cyport, the ominous Playstation teaser for “When Worlds Collide” seems to be for a new Ratchet and Clank game that PSN users are apparently already beta testing. The game is listed as Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus.

The name definitely coincides with the artwork being teased in the newer teaser posted today shown above. The words “HEROES RETURN” is also added to the bottom of the teaser (alongside the portal in the middle), so it definitely looks like a Ratchet type game.

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Here’s another shot of PSN users playing the game:

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So what do you guys think – would another Ratchet game be fun or is it time for the series to take a break? I personally think that the series has gotten a bit stale recently, especially after the poor Vita port of the recent Full Frontal Assault game.


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